Saturday, May 5, 2012

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long h

1 Corinthians says that men should have short hair, and women long hair, emphasizing the importance that men should not try to appear like women and vice versa.

think of Samson from the bible, having long hair was an important secret part for his strength, without them his strenght weakens!

having long hair is an important part of Native American culture!

how about non-rock n roll mullets like Fabio, Yanni, Tom Hanks in Da Vinci Code...etc?

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Jesus was short haired to begin with.. (Don't be mislead by the paintings.. )

secondly.. Paulus was a short-minded red-neck and he did his best to twist and turn the doctrine of Jesus Christ and to sell it as 'christianity'

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Cuz hes ******* jesus hahah if u saw him walk on water supposedly would u have told him cut your hair?

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Who told you Jesus had long hair?

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Oh, so you've seen Jesus?

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

you meet Jesus? you shook his hand, you know exactly what he looks like for sure???? What because of a painting someone else view of him,,,,,

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Think about it.. hair wouldn't grow if it were not suppose to be worn lomg. hy does hair GROW. It is NORMAL. You can't stop it.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

yeah..everyone knows exactly what Jesus looks like. The people that painted him where there to paint the Arabian man, but they just chose to paint him white. They really were there though.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

There is nothing in the Bible which even suggests that Jesus had long hair. In all probability he had short hair as the Bible states that it is a shame for a man to have long hair.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

No one knows if Jesus had long hair, no one knows what he really looked like. And the bible is truth, not always fact. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to men with long hair. Jesus doesn't care about outward appearences as much as he does how you follow his teachings.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

They had no way of cutting it. But you answered your own question. "emphasizing....."

So don't try to look like a woman and you should be fine

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

I heard he was a pot smoking hippie. Get a hair cut for Christ sake!

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

paul put his own personal opinion in the Bible.

he did the same thing when talking about women talking in the church, and homosexuality even though in most cases he was talking about homosexual rape and it's really a mistranslation

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Becoz barbers charged too much in his dayz.So, better keep long hair why waste money.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

No one has ever discribed Jesus. There were no paintings or drawings of Him. Images you see in paintings and movies etc are man's idea

as to how he looked. one day, every knee shall bow and every toung confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and then you will know.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

In Jewish tradition the hair went to the shoulders. anything past that is long hair.Noone knows what Jesus truly looks like so pictures doesn't represent him well at all.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

If you looked at any normal Jew in Christs time you may notice that none look like all the artists paintings making him appear as a European. He could have had normal length or short hair and probably had it cut whenever he could. As far as Sampson, that was old testament times, but I get your point. Paul's letter to the Corinth church you quote here was in keeping an appearance for others to perceive Christians as and was his opinion in making a lasting harmony, don't you think?

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Look at verse 13

1 Corinthians 11

13Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice閳ユ攺or do the churches of God.

Paul doesn't give an answer, he is posing a question to the Corinthians. He obviously wrote this because the church of Corinth probably had many men and women with different lenght hair while the other churches tended to have a common practice, see verse 16. I think he was writing this to create some form of unity among the early Christian churches.

Jesus didn't have "long hair" like a woman, it was about shoulder length because Jewish men believed you could not take a knife to the skin according to some command in the Torah, so you couldn't cut your hair till you could pull it away from your head.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Paul was bald, a homophobic and a misogynistic closeted homosexual. He tried very hard to undo several of Jesus's teachings about equality, tolerance and common sense. He succeeded to the point that "Paulism" popularly is known today as "Christianity" although the two bear little resemblance to each other. True Christianity died on the cross.

Here's another place to find the answer ... it reminds me of several of the answers here:

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

The long hair of Samson came from his parents dedicating him to the "Nazarite Creed". It was a special group of men that could not allow a scissors to touch their hair. It was an outward sign that they were sanctified (set apart) unto God.

Jesus transcends all cultures, this is awesomely true, however, God's Word is a Living Word, and when His Word convicts us of something, we are at a crossroads, "Will I follow His Way or My way?" This is an individual decision and that is what's called "Personal Conviction". What God speaks to YOUR heart that He does or doesn't want YOU to do, it is between YOU and HIM, no one else. This is why we mustn't judge or compare.

You, yourself must pray and ask the Lord what it is He wants YOU to do.... then YOU must decide whether or not you are going to obey. Sometimes this can also be a test to let God know your faithfulness and love to Him. He could very well allow you to lay down the conviction later.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Having long hair on a man at the time that Corinthians was written seems to be a sign that women were less important than Men. It was also very confusing, everybody wore robes so only the length of the hair was a way to say, this is a woman from behind. It was also written by a man who sought conformity in others so that the rulers of his time would not notice a difference. He feared stand outs as if such could bring wrath to the whole.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?




Re 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

Re 1:15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

Re 2:18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

There is no where recorded that Jesus had long hair.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

we dont know that jesus had long hair ! if he did have long hair it would have been easy to pick him out of the crowd , because the romans had short hair due too health/well being (war) You did not want the bad guys to be able to grab you by your hair !

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

As I understand it, a man who was a Nazarene did not have short hair and since Jesus was from Nazareth his hair most likely would have been of some length. However, since no actual information on what his appearance was like, the way he is portrayed in pictures is what people assume he looks like. Most of the portaits were painted by Europeans, therefore he appears as a caucasian man. If you realize he was from the Middle East, it would seem more feasible that he would look more Arabic.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

Always bear in mind those pictures you see are a depiction(the Artist's view)of Jesus, and not necessarily what he ACTUALLY looked like.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

how long is long and how short is short

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

i think artists grew that hair for him in the middle ages.

If men are not suppose to have long hair according to 1 Corithian, then why Jesus himself got long hair?

I do not see that mentioned, which chapter and verse did you see that? On the other hand, we are told the only way the physical body would go heaven is when during rapture,;this true however,Enoch and Elijah went to heaven without dying.

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