Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Long Hair cat - how to keep shedding to a minimum?

I just rescued a long-hair Burmese Chocolate Point Siamese mix from the humane society. I know she hasn't been brushed or cared for much in weeks and that's likely contributing to the over-abundance of fur flying everywhere. I've started brushing her with a wire bristle brush, and purchased a shedding blade which I've used as well. But there seems to be no end in sight. Any suggestions on how to solve the issue quickly, and then keep it solved in the long-term?

Long Hair cat - how to keep shedding to a minimum?

At the Pet Store you can find a nutrient supplement to add to the food called "Linetone". It's made to alleviate the problem more by providing more nutrients in the diet, but nothing stops the shedding completely, but the stuff helped when I had both a dog and a cat and even my late ferret....all animals love the stuff, it's like candy to them. Good Luck, and Thank you for rescuing an animal from the shelter...I'm sure the cat will give you the love you deserve for taking it in and giving it a home.

Long Hair cat - how to keep shedding to a minimum?

take it outside and leave it there. pets are supposed to be outside

Long Hair cat - how to keep shedding to a minimum?

I'd give her bath 1 or 2 times a month...and brush her atleast 2 to 3 times a day. They also have these things called "kitty kombers" that you can attatch to your wall, they rub against them, and extra fur gets picked up. Here is where they are located...

My cats LOVE them!

Long Hair cat - how to keep shedding to a minimum?

cat food is actually very very important. chances are you're feeding her "grocery brand" food. I'd go to the local petsmart (not sure of the variety other pets stores offer, but you can try) and talk to an associate there. they can show you "better" food - it may cost more, however - it's very worth it. they'll get fuller fast, so they aren't eating as much, which leads to less "Waste" and it will help with shedding. good luck :-)

Long Hair cat - how to keep shedding to a minimum?

I'd say daily grooming but ask your vet what you can do to keep shedding to a minimum. ^ ^

Long Hair cat - how to keep shedding to a minimum?

You could take her to a professional groomer for a shampoo and perhaps even a "furmination." Or just a good old fashioned comb out. Maybe even a shave or trim so you're starting fresh. Since it's summer (unless you're in Australia) that shouldn't be a big deal.

After that, at least weekly brushings and combings should help quite a bit.

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