Saturday, May 5, 2012

Long hair secrets?

i was just on a website advertising this book called "long hair secrets" by kelli hu. i thought it was going to tell me secrets on the website but you have to order the book. has anyone read it? do you know any of the secrets she talks about and swears by? i know you cant really alter how fast your hair grows but i'd still like to know what her tips are. so pleease, if you're read it let me know!

Long hair secrets?

hey i havnt read it

but go to your local book store and find it

and browse through it

you can pick up a few tips just by doing that..

- if you want long hair

get extentions. thats what i have :)

they are awsome

Long hair secrets?

the only true way to get long hair is to grow it out.

and that doesnt mean you cant get your hair cut, i get it trimmed every few weeks to get rid of any split ends and add more layers.

that way your hair grows longer and is still healthy.

i cut my hair to my shoulders about a year and a half ago, and since then ive been trimming it, and now its down to my waist. i love long hair!!

Long hair secrets?

you dont need a book

Wash your hair every other day ( natural oils will help it stay healthy)

massage your scalp

get hair trimmed whenever necassary but not to often. . Only when getting split ends or any other damage, this will slow down growth and you'll just have to cut it when it gets long.

Dont color /perm it!

dont use hot products on your hair and when you do use protecting spray on it

your hair wont get longer but it will stay healthier and then it will seem like its longer because the ends wont be lighter making your hair look short and it will just feel and look better.

Long hair secrets?

this product is called wild growth hair oil,and it's all natural and it's been out for over 20 years and it really dose work... like really umm i stated using this oil in i think the 5th or 6th grade I'm in the 10 th now i know lol but umm the oil is perfect i love it to tell you the truth i think it's wonderful it's for all hair type from white,black,Asian,umm Scottish whatever the oil is really good and it works there is a site in on it i have no pic's yet but i might give some in June of 08 so my hair should be on or past my shoulders then but the all can be use for both men and woman of all ages and here the link the site it can be bought on line at the wild growth site or at some local beauty store i get mine from sally's beauty for like 7.99 and the prices may deffer on were you buy it but here's the link and i hope you guy get a look into it and try it out

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