Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Older women and long hair?

My husband and I are over 50 and he likes long hair and has asked me not to cut it short. It is past the shoulders a little and I keep it dyed and trimed neatly. I am ok with it but my older sister and younger daughters that have short hair feel older women should not have long hair. My husband says most men do not like women with real short hair even if they are older women. Opinions appreciated.

Older women and long hair?

longer hair is beautiful. If your hair is thinning out or hard to manage you can sit with your husband and tell him why you want in shorter.

However if your man finds you more attractive with longer hair and you like it long keep it that way!!!!!

there is no 'age limit' on having long hair, I believe that older ladies with long hair are absolutely beautiful and that they respresent how I would like my hair to be when I get older.

So if it makes your husband go VRRHHUUM and gets his engine started you should love it and not feel bad for keeping that way.

But dont let anyone talk you into cutting or keeping your hair, there is no RIGHT cut for your age, its always what ever make you feel good about yourself, wear it like a Goddess would wear a crown

Go ahead and keep your hair, and your happy husband!!!!!!!!

Older women and long hair?

if ur hair is really thin, then try to consider a shorter hair style. but, if u feel that u have beautiful haie, then go for it!

Older women and long hair?

real short hair is not feminine how ever real long hair on molder women is not attractive to the tops of your shoulders is fine

Older women and long hair?

The length of your hair sounds fine. Its just horrible seeing a 50yr old women with long grey hair that isnt cared after. I think that real short hair looks bad on most ladies. After my mum had my sis and i she cut her hair short, only coz she didnt have time to look after her hair and depends on the person really.

Older women and long hair?

what ever you want to do with your hair you do it. If your husband loves you he wont care about what your hair looks like. hes not the one who has to deal with your hair you do. do whatever makes you happy

Older women and long hair?

I was just having this conversation with my hair stylist earlier today. Men are weird like that. My hair stylist, Annie, says she thinks they like long hair better because it makes them feel more like a man because girls stereotypically have longer hair.

I agree with her, but it seems like the norm now for older women to have shorter hair, and for younger women to have longer cuts. Sometimes it makes older women look more mature when they have shorter hair, but it all depends on how they have it cut if it's long.

Theres so many different ways you could go with this, and it's a difficult decision to make since hair takes what seems like forever to grow.

If you like your hair long, keep it long! If you decide it's time for a change, cut it. What's your husband going to do? Divorce you? I highyl doubt it. I'm sure you'd look great either way and your husband will think so too.

Also, when youve had long hair for so long, it's so hard to make the decision to cut it.

Older women and long hair?

i agree somewhat older woman should not have hair below the waist of coarse but it also doesn't need to be super short i think i cute bob or maybe a cut that is shorter in the back but still long in the front "like a security blanket" so to speak lol it will be short enough for people not to complain anymore but you ll have the security of it being long in the front

heres what i mean

good luck

Older women and long hair?

My mom %26amp; grandmothers all have short hair and having grown up with only seeing older women with short hair, you just come to accept it as normal.

I think the reasoning behind it is that when you get older, you have less motivation/reason to spend hours grooming yourself and short hair is easy %26amp; convenient.

To be absolutely honest, the older women that I have seen with longer hair look very elegant and stunning and I'm definitely FOR it! One of my grandmother's friends has silvery grey/white hair to her elbows that she always wears in a bun and it looks stunning... I hope my hair looks that great when I'm her age!

Older women and long hair?


you can do whatever.

it dosent matter of your age

it really matters of what your face shape is and get that hair cut that matches your face shape

long hair is for old people

any people

dosent matter


Older women and long hair?

Long or short hair, no matter what your age, is totally up to the person who's head it is on. If you like the way it looks on you and your hubby likes it, then the other opinions don't really matter.

Older women and long hair?

You husband says, "most men like women with long hair." Whether he is right or wrong, what does that have to do with it? It comes down to whether you want to take the (probably good) fashion advice of other women or please your husband. Taking your husband's personal preference out of the picture for a moment, I would imagine that a happily married woman would be more concerned about what the majority of other women thought looked good on her rather than what other men thought. Furthermore, how many thousands of men did your husband research to come to his conclusions? :-)

Older women and long hair?

Personally I think as a woman ages, she should go for a shorter hairstyle because it takes age off of her appearence, but as long as they do not go bald.

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