Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Care for long hair in military setting??

I have very long, thick hair -- past my hips, and was wondering how other women kept their hair clean in the short amount of time allotted for showers -- particulary in boot camp / Marines. I'm considering whether or not I can join.

And I CANNOT cut my hair as the length of my hair is due to my beliefs.

Care for long hair in military setting??

The donut bun will become your new best friend!! It's the easiest way to do your hair in the military. Since your hair is so long, you're going to need a fairly big sock. Now, what you do is cut the toes off the sock and roll it up so it looks like a donut (hence the name). Put your hair in a pony tail, bend over and evenly spread your hair around it so you can cover the whole sock. Staying bent over, use a smaller rubber band/ponytail to secure your hair around the sock and then you can wrap the excess hair around the base of the bun to hide the ponytails! It's kinda tricky at first, but you'll get the hang of it quickly. I suggest using a lot of hairspray (i mean A LOT!)

You could also try french braiding to begin with, then put the rest of your hair in a bun.

As for washing your hair, practice taking really quick showers before you go to boot camp so you can figure out some tricks for doing your hair. When i went, i used a shampoo/conditioner 2-in-1 thing and that was helpful. Also, i know it sounds really really gross, but you might want to consider not washing your hair every day.

In any case, you'll learn very quickly what does and doesn't work when you get there. Hopefully this is helpful!

And if you can prove that it is in accordance with your religion, i'm about 99% sure they can't make you cut your hair.

Good luck on your endeavors!!!

Care for long hair in military setting??

You will have to learn to wash and rinse quickly. Also, your hair is going to have to be tied back and pinned up. You can not have ponytails or braids that hang down. Your hair, no matter how it is done, has to fit under your hat and allow you to wear gas masks, safety gear and chem warfare gear. Even with it pulled up and then rolled into a bun, I have a feeling you may have too much of it to be able to meet those requirements. I would suggest talking to a recruiter..they will be able to give you the best information.

Care for long hair in military setting??

Do you want patrol duties?

Care for long hair in military setting??

Well, if you do decide to join, you're going to have to put your beliefs aside. When you enter basic or boot camp, watever - your hair has to be a certain length during your time there, and one of the very first things you receive is a hair cut; it happens with everyone-so no one will look different.

Sorry dear.

Care for long hair in military setting??

Hair that extends past the coller must be "neatly and INCONSPICULOUSLY" pinned back at all times not in physical training. It must fit under uniform standards, such as caps. I highly doubt that your hair would make the cut.

There is no rule for exact length, but this is the rule for the Marines. One of the first things you'd do at basic training ("boot camp") is receive a haircut from one of their barbers who might not be very accomodating to your beliefs. See a recruiter--but I doubt if you want to keep your hair the way it is you can join the military. I don't think that hair past the hips perscribes to their neatness and dress requirement factors.

Care for long hair in military setting??

Do you want your scalp torn off???

Belief, or vanity?

Care for long hair in military setting??

If your hair will not fit under your cover it will have to be cut.

You will not be able to join if you won't cut your hair if needed to be in accordance with a regulation.

Care for long hair in military setting??

Wow there was a female in Basic Training with me she had very long thick black hair sadly she had lice ( and it spread through our bay) she had to cut her hair and had a very hard time getting rid of it , you cant have a blow dryer in BCT and if you wash your hair it will remain damp in a bun , that isnt good.

Good Luck. and check out the site I posted.

Care for long hair in military setting??

You must keep your hair short in the military. You will look good. My father is an Air Force Lt. Colonel and he likes his hair short. He's very handsome. You are, too. (Go Air Force!, Go Air Force!).

Care for long hair in military setting??

Last I heard, women do NOT have to cut their hair when joining the service. They do have to "contain" it above your collar in some way where it won't come loose.

There is no law that says you have to shampoo your hair. You probably won't even notice the difference if you just rinse it.

Besides, what are you going to do while on one of those 3 day survival training things? The least of your worries will be your hair.

Care for long hair in military setting??

You will have a hard time in boot camp and AIT with your hair being that long. When I went to boot camp for the Army I had hair down my back, I cut it off short. During boot camp and AIT you don't have much time to shower. In AIT I remember that we only had a few shower heads for about 60 females. It was a get in and soap up and get out. No time to wash and put conditioner on your hair etc. You might get a minute or two under the water tops. You might want to reconsider joining the military.

Care for long hair in military setting??

I recommend you talk to female recruiters from each branch of the military you're thinking about joining. From what I've heard about it, they're really not going to care what your reasons are... they're going to insist you cut it if it gets in the way of your boot camp training.

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