Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Waist long hair, how to style them.?

Hi, I have waist long hair. I am somewhat bored with the tying ponytail. What best can I do with them without cutting them short. I have heard that colouring or highlighting have illeffects on natural hair texture. How shall I style my hair?


Waist long hair, how to style them.?

Braids, braids, and more braids. also french braids. buns. Get that styler they have in the store that has a loop tool that fancies up pony tails and other styles. Many styles to choose from. $23 I think it's called "scrunches"

Waist long hair, how to style them.?

My hair reaches my buttocks. I usually just tie it up, leave it long, or put it in a bun. Not much else you can do with so much hair.

And I made the mistake of coloring my hair. Don't do it. I beg you. I colored it black...I have blonde hair naturally. Let's just say it's going to take a long time to get my hair back to normal. The blonde already reaches past my jaw, but I refuse to cut my hair, so it looks a little different. But I like different, so, oh well.

Waist long hair, how to style them.?

my hair also reaches my buttocks, i colour it, but i use a semi-permanent, so it washes out, and i only go a couple of shades darker with red highlights, if you use permanent it takes a long time to grow out. i also braid my hair, i plat it over one shoulder, or sometimes in 2 long plaits. i have the sides with long layers, so when i wear it down it isn't heavy against my face. my hair is always shiny and i don't have split ends, so colouring isn't that bad if you don't go too harsh.

Waist long hair, how to style them.?

If I had waist-length hair, I'd donate half of the length to Locks of Love. It's said that a woman's hair is her crown. But I wouldn't mind sharing my adornment with a child in need, or two.

After that, I'd seek a good hair stylist to give me long layers, with the shortest layer no shorter than shoulder length. That way, I could tie all of my hair in a pony tail, when I wanted to.

If you do decide to colour your hair, check with a good stylist on what's best for your type of hair. A dear friend has really long hair.. close to waist length, and she went from blonde to dark brown and back again over a few months time, so it can be done.

Take your time.. trim a few inches and try some highlights. See how you like it.

Good luck! :)

Waist long hair, how to style them.?

For a new look try this website :

I think this will definitely help u....

lol :)

Waist long hair, how to style them.?

Find some cute braids or updos!

Whatever you do, NEVER cut it short! Always keep it long. My hair was knee length a few months ago, and I cut it ALL off, and I really regret it!

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