Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking

Would you rather have long hair that was a bit thin at the last 2-3 inches with some split ends that even regular trims won't get rid of or shorter hair that will probably look thicker the ends and hopefully have nearly no split ends?

My hair is the longest it's ever been. (just above or at bra strap) I usually wear it up. When I do wear it down, curly (thanks again, meds), I can see those split ends and it drives me CRAZY. I obsess and spend lots of time searching and clipping.

I was on meds that affected my hair and caused it to thin out. It's thicker at the regrowth, but the 1-1/2 - 2" at the ends feel a lot thinner and that is where I see the split ends.

I'm having trouble getting over the cutting my hair hurdle.

Any help out there?

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

cut it and grow it out healthier this time...keeping the dead hair around makes your hair look shorter anyways and it looks kinda trashy. plus it just keeps breaking off more and more......start clean and fresh, everyone will love it!

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

I'd rather die than have split ends. Get it cut!

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

No hair at all. Save money on hair cuts, shampoo, conditioner, blow driers, gel

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

i had the exact same problem except my hair was straight and long and so i cut it and it looks so much better

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

Maybe just cut off some of your hair and don't do anything drastic it will eventually grow back healthy, you'll just have to be patient. Hope this helps.

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

I have long hair too past my bra strap. It looks healthy but sometimes I can find those annoying split ends and clip them. Don't go crazy... just search for split ends and split them. That's what I do. It relieves the stress of having unevitable split ends. Rippp!!

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

As a tri-racial. I would say short and healthy. I understand it's hard thinking of cutting your hair. but you have to what has to be done. Hey this reminds me of India. Arie's new song "I am Not My Hair". Give it a listen. Maybe it will help.

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

I would rather have short and healthy hair, because split ends isnt my style.

But if you keep watching your hair to be healthy, then it could end up as long healthy hair.

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

I would probably say that it would depend on the style you feel most comfortable with. But, hair without split ends (or less split ends) will certainly look healthier. Remember that hair that is cut will grow back, it just may take some time to get it back to the length you desire.

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

I would rather have short thick hair with no split ends because when your hair is long with split ends and it is thin, than it starts to look like a hot mess-no affense. Thank God that my hair is short but is reallly healthy and thick. And when you keep those split ends cut, then your hair will grow faster because it is healthier and when you have split ends it doesn't do anything but shed because the hair starts to split up and becomes brittle.

Have good luck with your hair!

Would you rather have long hair thin at the ends with some split ends or shorter, healthier looking hair?

As a hairdresser I can tell you that a lot of people have haircutting phobia. There is more to split ends than just looking bad. If you continue to let the hair cuticle split it can eventually continue all the way into the hair shaft and can stop the hair from growing at all.

Hair always looks better when it's in great condition, regardless of it's length. You are bound to look better with the few inches trimmed off then to have scragly hair.

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