Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Getting very long hair cut.?

Hey guys, bit of a dilemma, I have long hair down to about my waist with layers in, but today I'm wanting to get the split ends cut off to make it more healthy, but being so used to long hair, and liking it (most of the time lol!), I don't know what length/style I should opt out for. I've never really had any cool styles, just layers.

I know you don't really know me, nor my hair for that matter, but any suggestions from experience perhaps would be EXTREMELY appreciated!

Thanks guys


Getting very long hair cut.?

As a hairdresser I would advise you to go about shoulder length or may be a fraction longer. If you like it you can always go short. If you don't like it won't take too long to grow back. There are a number of hair style magazine on the market with styles of all lengths of hair, I would suggest buying one of these before going to a salon.

Getting very long hair cut.?

go for it girl, apart from getting healthier, shinier hair, you will feel a million dollars with a new look. shorter hair is fashionable and easier to take care of. loads of luck.

Getting very long hair cut.?

A good tip that I once got and always recall and think was a good tip, was:

Shorter healthier hair looks better than just having longer hair for the sake of it

Have some style and shape put in and the style should look as good as if it were longer, (If not better).

Really long hair to waist sits there and doesn't do a lot really, no offense.

I would get it chopped just beneath your shoulder, or about to the top of where your bra strap would sit.

Good luck, be brave.

Getting very long hair cut.?

It might be a good idea to go into your hairdressers and just ask them what they think might suit you. They'll know what will look good for your face shape and whats new and in fashion... etc

Getting very long hair cut.?

If its the first time getting your long hair cut then dont go much shorter - that way you can get used to it or grow it back quicker. So only a couple of inches.

The worst thing is getting lots cut off and instantly wanting it long again.

I have pretty long hair and i recently had it just trimmed with a side fringe put in - i love it and my hair looks different without me missing the length.

Getting very long hair cut.?


i think that having it cut would be a good idea, still have it long but not as long. Also as its in layers, keep it like that coz layers look well cool :) and also as your getting it cut your hair will be more healthier so it will look great, hope that helped`, oh and try going for a side fringe, they look fab :)

Getting very long hair cut.?

Keep it long... just trim the bare minimum... Waist length hair is the coolest %26amp; sexiest length/style I can think of.

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