Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why guys with long hair are held back?

At most work places, all the women are allowed to keep their hair long but clean and tied back. For us guys however its either "cut the crap off or no job!" Doesn't matter how clean we keep it. Not only are we denied work but we also get treated not as well as the "cut male workers" if we're lucky enough to even have a job.

I have semi long hair btw, don't plan on cutting it ever and it really ****** me off when ignorant people say I can't get a job just cause I refuse to look like a jock. Its just not right...every male should have the right to have long hair at work. To me its like racism. I can't see a good reason why they all want it cut off.

We are about as oppressed and ridiculed as gays, lesbians, disabled, etc.

I mean how would you feel if you could not get a job just cause, say, your eyes were blue?

Why guys with long hair are held back?

i am a chef and have been for quite a few years-my hair is long-the owners i have worked for might have not liked my hair being long but i am more than good enough that they see past that---i think that if you are good enough people will see past what they consider the proper look that you should have and if they cant you really dont want to be working for them-nothing should interfere with getting the job done in the best way----just my thoughts-smile and enjoy the day

Why guys with long hair are held back?

You could also try to minimize the apparenrence of long hair but wearing a bun to interviews. Report It

Why guys with long hair are held back?

Where are you from? Everywhere I've worked, men AND women had to have their hair pinned back.

Why guys with long hair are held back?

Damn Hippie!

Why guys with long hair are held back?

If you want to work in a job which has a dress code, including hair length, then cut your hair. If working there is not important to you, then keep your hair as you like it. Accept the fact that not all people will like you with long hair and as long as they are paying your salary, you need to get with the program, as it were. Long hair does NOT reflect your skill, ability or potential. Some people have a prejudice toward long haired freaky people and some companies have an "image" they feel the need to project in order to do business. Nurses in the hospital where I work are REQUIRED to wear white uniforms...a practice that went out of fashion years ago...BUT...if he or she wants to work THERE, they must comply....simple! You are no different.

Why guys with long hair are held back?

It just depends upon the corporate culture of your workplace. Some business allow creativity with appearance -- that includes long ponytails for men, facial hair, earrings, etc. Some businesses are more conservative -- men need to wear clean-cut, above the shirt collar haircuts, no sideburns, no facial hair, no earrings, no visible tattoos, tongue piercings, etc.

I don't know how badly you need your job. I know that I need mine. I have to work holidays. I have a conservative dress code requirement. I need my job, so I follow the rules.

Why guys with long hair are held back?

Sometimes, hair length can be a safety issue when dealing with machinery, such as in a print shop. However, you can pin your hair up or wear it under a hairnet to keep it safe and out of the way.

In other places, long hair can be a safety issue when dealing with people. There are reasons why you will never see a long-haired prison guard. Yes, long hair is against the prison dress code, but it's also a real safety hazard when working with inmates--which is why it's against the dress code.

Some places simply have an image of professionalism that they want to maintain. Want a job at a high-priced brokerage firm or bank? Want to work in the corporate world? Then your hair had better look corporate, and all but very neatly trimmed beards are right out.

Long haired men, unfortunately, have a stereotype of being lazy, irresponsible, drug addicts, poorly educated, and depending on others to support them.

Long-haired women, for what it's worth, have a stereotype of being womanly and pleasing to look upon if they have long hair or (in the corporate world) neatly pinned up hair.

Do I think that's fair or true? Of course not. But I did live through the Sixties, so I know firsthand how that stereotype for men was born. The fact is, first impressions are strong, and if you have long hair, that's going to give a certain impression to employers, wrong or unfair though that impression may be.

I have a friend who used to be a photographer for a hospital. He could have gotten a promotion if he had only cut his hair. (He has gorgeous, silvery-white hair that I adore.) He chose to keep his hair rather than keep the job. I personally think that was foolish of him, but that was his choice. He has been working **** jobs ever since--and he has a child to support.

There are jobs you can have--some high-paying--even if you have long hair. One word of hope--fashions do change. In the Sixties, no men at all would have been employed if they had been required to have short hair. So it won't always be this way.

I can understand wanting to keep your hair--I'd hate to have to cut my own hair for a job. After a point you have to ask yourself which is more important, your freedom of fashion or your ability to support yourself?

Why guys with long hair are held back?

you can just cut your hair i can't change my eye color. nothing terrible ever altered your and you're not being true to your heart so you can just shut the hell up on that one.

i don't look like a jock and i have a job. i see people with long hair working all kinds of jobs outside of things like law enforcement so is it your hair or your "the world is against me" attitude that kills it for you.

Why guys with long hair are held back?

My boyfriend has long hair and I think its sooooo sexy! He has had no problem at his job so far. I think it depends on the field the job is in. If its a corprate job, most employers will require the guys to have clean cut hairstyles.

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