Monday, April 23, 2012

How long to grow hair dye out completely?

hi, i have been searching for the answer and cant quite get the answer im looking for, i just wanted to know how long it actually takes to grow out hair to your natural colour, i have not died my hair for 4 months now and luckily i am getting away without it as it all seems to be blending in perfectly and i dont get that line where your roots meet the dye, i am naturally light-medium brown and i have previously been dying my hair deep red colours, i normally have very long hair but have had my hair cut to shoulder length to cut off some of the colour, i heard it takes 2 years, surely this cant be true? thankyou.

How long to grow hair dye out completely?

Your hair grows about a 1/2 inch every month, so you can calulate that in months according to how long you want your hair to be. If you use Nioxin products, it will help your hair grow faster.

How long to grow hair dye out completely?

i dont know gurl do u?

How long to grow hair dye out completely?

I am a beautician. I hate to be the barrer of bad news, but it is going to at least take 1 year to get it all gone. Every month go in and get your hair trimmed and it will not only help you grow it out length wise faster but it will also quickly get rid of the dye. I am going through the same process myself.

Good luck

How long to grow hair dye out completely?

yes. probably 1 1/2 to two years to fully grow out depending on how long ur hair is.

How long to grow hair dye out completely?

It depends on the length of your hair,if you had it cut really short it would only take 8-10 months because you would keep having it cut short until it was all gone.

If you want to keep it shoulder length and had it cut to that length every 2 months it would take much longer.

How long to grow hair dye out completely?

In order to get rid of all the dyed hair you would need to cut it all off up to the natural color of your hair or the other option is to dye your hair the closet color of your natural color this way it would all blend in as it grows and then you could cut it later on to get the dead ends off. Good Luck.


How long to grow hair dye out completely?

About 1 year depending on how quick your hair grows regular trims will help good luck

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