Friday, April 27, 2012

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

I've been told that long hair/ medium length hair is in stlyle. Ok my hair isn't as long as in my picture here but it is slightly past my ears. How many of you girls like guys with long/ medium length hair.

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

I hate long hair on guys.

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

i love it

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

It depends on the guy.

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

I Looooovvveee guys with long hair. As long as it isn't nasty and matted down like it hasn't been washed in years. Keep it well brushed and you have a definate plus in my book!

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

I personally hate long hair on guys it makes me want to gag

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

i like long hair but not longer than mine it would b weird to hav longer hair than your gf.

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

i think its AWSOME

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

it really depends on the guy...usually i like my guys with shorter hair...but then again, it also depends on the girl...

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

I prefer men with short hair. They shouldn't have hair prettier than mine.LOL Just past your ears is probably okay though. Allot of girls are going to say they like it long and some will say short just wear it how you want to and the right girl will be attracted to you for who you are.

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

I love long hair. on guys and girls.

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

The style of your hair and how you perceive yourself should be relative. Your style should also reflect how you want the world to perceive you, and not be based on the personal opinions of a very small minority of women who have absolutely no personal relationship with you and probably never will. If you look good with long hair and keep it clean and well-coiffed, stylish, not out-dated or stero-typed, and feel comfortable in your own skin, then by all means..... wear it long. However, if you don't shampoo and condition daily and keep your hair groomed according to your own personification of perfection, then go to a professional stylist and get a professional style. ....Just trying to give you an honest answer.

How many girls like long hair [girls only]?

depends on the type of hair. if its a ball of frizz, or a curly mess then definatly not. but if its neat and sleek im fine with it. as long as its above shoulder level... but even then im a bit on the edge. I mostly like guys who keep their hair nice and trim

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