Friday, April 27, 2012

What can i do to start growing healthy long hair?

I would lik to grow long, silky and healthy hair. I always keep my hair at slightly longer then shoulder length. When I started to let it grow longer, hair would start to fall. by the time i had them at my waist, my hair shape would be V-shaped, unhealthy and hair become lesser.

I would lik to grow healthy long hair lik any other gals, please let me noe what shd i do to start growing my hair healthy so that my hair would not start falling?

I love any methods, vitamins, hair pdts and any other formulas.

What can i do to start growing healthy long hair?

The longer your hair is, the 閳ユΖlder閳?the ends of it are. Everyday, wear and tear, such as sun, wind, blow drying, curling irons and other heat styling tools, even shampooing and brushing, all work together to gradually erode each hair. This eventually causes split ends that will, in turn, result in the hair breaking off. Don't believe in that myth of the 100 stokes a day. Just brush enough to distribute the oil from your scalp to the reswt of your hair.

Hair grows at a different rate for each person. The best way to keep your growing strong is to keep it healthy and eat a good healthy diet as well. Food plays a big part in your skin and hair growth. And don't believe the empty promises of shampoos and supplements for faster hair growth.

Here are some hair growing tips:

Eliminate or cut back on smoking, caffeine and carbonated sodas which weaken the body and block maximum hair growing potential.

Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of good protein, vitamins and minerals, specially iron. Try fish, poulty without skin, lean beef, eggs, and dairy products.

Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat.

Treat your hair like a piece of fine old lace. Treat it carefully avoiding any unnecessary brushing, combing or handling.

Avoid use of hot water, hot blow dryers or other hair care tools that may stress the hair.

Have a weekly scalp massage to provide stimulation to the hair follicles.

Do a series of ongoing hot oil treatments to protect the hair's shaft.

Have regular trims to eliminate split ends and allow the hair to look and feel healthier.

Get plenty of rest and sleep to allow your body to grow hair

Avoid stress!

If any of these tips work for you consult a dematologist you might have a condition that it makes your hair stop growing or to fall.

What can i do to start growing healthy long hair?

if you have a healthy diet then the rest is academic.

all you need to do is get it trimmed, about half an inch every three months or so. and while you are growing it, do your hundred strokes a day with your hair brush to help distribute scalp oil through the entire hair.

What can i do to start growing healthy long hair?

What do you mean by falling? your hair's falling out? I had my hair to my waist for a long time! Definitely get a trim before you start growing your hair so you start out with nice healthy ends. Then continue to get a trim about every 3 months or so to keep it healthy. I dont know if you dye your hair or anything like that but i know when mine was long it was very hard to brush, so make sure you apply a leave in conditioner(especially if you dye it a lot) after you wash your hair before you comb it...also carefully comb your hair when its wet instead of using a brush because a brush will rip your well thats all i can think that was long. good luck!!

What can i do to start growing healthy long hair?

Normally people lose between 50-100 hairs/day and they are replaced. This is not a problem. It is more noticeable when hair is long than when it is short for obvious reasons. There is nothing to do about this normal hair loss.

On the other hand, men who are genetically predisposed to lose hair (inherited primarily from the mother, i.e, males are most likely to have hair like their maternal grandfather and uncles) are much more prone to increased rate of hair loss (more than 100 hairs/day) if they have long hair, they do not keep the natural oil away from the follicles and if they comb/brush it a lot. The reason are that natural oil contains the androgen's that are "toxic" to the hair follicles and long hair is more likely to be pulled out (brushing, combing, washing or even sleeping as the hair rubs against a pillow). Making the hair short in this situation is likely to retard loss.

If you do not have the problem above, i.e., your hair is not thinning, then you probably do not have to worry about the hair in your brush, drain, etc. With hair the length of your, normal amounts of hair loss will be very visible.If your hair doesn't shed at all, then the conclusion is that your

hair will grow indefinitely, which I guess is almost true for the

people with hair that reaches the ground.

What can i do to start growing healthy long hair?

Have a good diet. Try to take multivitamins. cutting 1 cm every 2-3 months once is good. But I can also suggest some very good products. Theres a brand named Klorane which has lots of hair products. Try to use Quinine shampoo and balm. It helps your hair to grow faster. and also use Lee Staffords anti aging and hair growing cream conditioners.


What can i do to start growing healthy long hair?

Well not sure of your ethinicity but you might be having the same problems that people with afro descent have....such as a demarcation line, hair breaking off or falling due to stress on the hair or being worn down all the time or brushed a certain way all the time...check out this website....look at the methods and you can fit it to you...try the crown and glory method...I've heard of other people of other ethnicities using it...

Try the too...I believe that they have extended some of these methods over there...its worth lookin at and trying...Good luck!

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