I have long, dark blonde hair, all one length, to the top of my shoulders. I want to grow my hair past my shoulders to upper back length.
I talked to my mom about this, and she agrees this would look good on me. She also suggested layers and blonde highlights. She says this would give my hair more body.
I am willing to try a new style! But before I go to the salon, I was wondering exactly what this would involve, and how long it would take my hair to reach midback or so.
A boy with Long Hair?
it will grow about 6 inches of healthy length per year +/- a few inches... also, as a dude who knows about having long hair please TRUST ME and DO NOT do highlights or layers unless you are a (no offense to anyone) homosexual or are into the femme thing... long hair on a man should look like long mens hair, not a lady's hairdo! If you must dye it, dye the whole thing, but remember you may need to shave it all off to change color/go natural later! peace %26amp; gl!
A boy with Long Hair?
maybe about 5monts or so
A boy with Long Hair?
You will want to chop it off. And so will the girls around you, I bet.
A boy with Long Hair?
dont do it i hate guys w/ long hair EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
A boy with Long Hair?
ewwwwwww guys with long hair look weird %26amp; sloppy
A boy with Long Hair?
Try a barber shop tel the barber that you want to look like a boy
A boy with Long Hair?
You won't like my answer. Cut you hair and look like a man not a girl. Long hair on guys went out with the hippies in the 60s and 70s. These days it looks ridiculous!!!!
A boy with Long Hair?
the one thing i don't see is how old you are. right now, its ok to experiment, but, remember, when you go job hunting, long hair like yours will be a turn off to many employers. Now, I have to agree with most of the women that have chimed in. I have never seen a man with long hair that didn't look scraggly or oily. It takes alot of work and care. You have to keep it looking good. If the work becomes too much, then you need to rethink this. You may look good, but, you have to have some diligence. My girls always ask me about their hair and I reply, "Its not my hair. Do with it what you want, but, remember the consequences". Example: Oldest daughter died hair blonde. She is a RED HEAD. Whereas, it looked good, it wore on her really quick. She didn't anticipate the "mild" teasing she got. She wanted her red hair back and fast. Just don't do something rash that will take a long time to fix.
A boy with Long Hair?
I am blown away by idiot strangers that say "Don't do it because I hate long hair on guys", lol. Like they are going to be dating you. Just amazing. I mean, they don't even answer the question -- so report them. And by the way, long hair is coming back, and some men will ALWAYS wear it. And it doesn't need to say a thing about your sexuality or masculinity unless you want it to -- the close-minded idiots will always have a problem with individuality, won't they...
DO go to a trusted stylist for long hair. And that's easy enough to find by calling around.
DO look for highlights only and gentle color, NOT bleach (you won't need it -- your hair is already light).
Layers are a good idea as long as you can still pull it all back when you need to. And they take some of the weight out of the hair so it's not so droopy.
If you're consulting your mom about this, we know you're young enough that you're not going bald, lol, so it will probably be the length you want by November or so.
Just have fun with it and do not worry AT ALL about what others say as long as YOU like it -- it's YOUR hair. But I do know people want to fit in, so try to find some way of doing both, but make it MORE about you feel than how others feel... :)
Good Luck... :)
A boy with Long Hair?
no one likes freaks, so get it cut, you appear as a slob if u do not care for your hair properly
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