Friday, March 30, 2012

Long hair :)?

i have hair that is just below my bust line. I dont put any chemicals in my hair so it is really healthy :)

my only problem is that like most people my hair falls out .. not that bad im not balding or anything but my boyfriend will find my hair on himself and a lot around the house.

I brush my hair everyday and throw what i find out but he picks on me all the time. Do you think cutting it will make this problem go away?

Long hair :)?

Hey there: I have waist length hair that's a little thin, and I have the same problem. Not balding or anything, but it's obvious when I lose a hair. That's exactly it. Shorter hair isn't noticed as much on a pillow or caught up in a dust bunny under the bed. Just clean it up and know it's totally normal.

Long hair :)?

i have the same problem. well my hair is thick and i think it's that. i have tried cutting doesnt work. Just brush constantly and that's all you can do.

Long hair :)?

The problem might be that you wear your ponytails too tight or that you just brush your hair too much. If you like your hair the length it is right now, I wouldn't worry about it. The problem doesn't seem TOO serious. Just buy one of those little lint rollers.

Long hair :)?

First of all my hair is so long i sit on it and no cutting it wont help use Treseme hot oil treatments that will help and try different hair styles sometimes by wearing it the same way forever you can cause it to fall out more

Long hair :)?

I have the same problem. I always say "I'm shedding." Someone told me that it's my shampoo.. I use Pantene. I love my shampoo, because it makes my hair so soft %26amp; healthy... so I don't wanna switch.

My hair is down to my butt... but it has always shed, no matter what length it has been.

Long hair :)?

why do anything to your hair its not the problem get rid of the boyfriend........

Long hair :)?

cutting it will not make the problem go away. hair is dead to begin with, the only part that is alive is the part that is still in your scalp. just brush more and ware ponytails less, let hair go natural as much as possible.

Long hair :)?

My partner has long hair, and every time I go for a shower or a bath, I have to check the plug hole, and often to discard the hair that's there.. it doesn't bother me at all, I certainly don't ever mention it, and would never think of complaining about it, it isn't her fault, it's just nature doing what it does

Long hair :)?

it is only natural...

but your boyfriend should cool down a bit...

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