I'm more curious than anything if long hair is something that could possibly make you look less desirable or taken less seriously by a potential employer. My hair is a little bit past my back and grows extremely fast so it's easy for it to get and stay long and I don't do much except for wash/condition/brush it to keep it in good condition.
For jobs/interviews I'll usually do a low ponytail or a bun or some type of up do so my hair doesn't get messed up in the possible wind, etc. Do Possible employers look at someone with longer/long hair as less serious or knowledgeable in their field (IE younger and less experienced) and go for someone with shorter hair and a more career look? Or does it matter in the end as long as you put your hair up, present yourself well-groomed if both candidates are otherwise equal?
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
There are ways that you can wear your hair and still look professional and yet keep your own personality.
I am a professional and work in a professional enviroment. I had long hair for years and decided to cut my hair short last fall. It was the worst mistake of my life and I am not happy at all.
It is usually accepted that our image has alot to do with how potential or current employers see us. Humans have eyes and can not help but to view us through them. Our hair and how we look does effect our impression on others.
I think that while short to medium length hair is considered to be more professional, you can still keep your long hair if it is cut to really enhance your face shape and you keep it in great condition. Having nice , well kept, neat hair gives the impression that you really care about your own appearance. Thus, this also gives the impression that if you are willing to spend the time to look good, you may be willing to spend the time and actually care about the quality of work you produce.
Here is an alternative to a bun, that I think looks great and yet it looks professional
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
if ur a girl there are styles to cover it up
if ur a guy u will look dirty
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
does not matter at all.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
...i really never thought of that.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
Sure wish baldy here had that .... ah.... 'problem'
You should be focusing on what Skills you bring to the task.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
I don't think so at all. Long hair can make you look very mature if worn correctly. I would stick with a bun or some type of clip to keep it out of your face (NOT cute little butterfly clips! lol) Several of the women I work with have mid-length to long hair, and they look very professional. I think it has more to do with what you are wearing and if you're well-groomed and act professional.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
For a woman, as long as it's neat and well groomed, there's no problem.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
Not saying it's right, but there is a perception of intelligence to wearing your hair up. I don't know if you wear contacts, but I'd go with eyeglasses on interview day as well. It may not be fair but if it gets you the job...
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
I wouldn't thing it would be an issue if you're female, as long as it's done neatly.
For a male for most jobs, long hair would probably result in the person being taken less seriously.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
David N is right.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
if you put in a style that says your ready to work and you really wnat the job then your hair and you will be fine. put it up in a sophisticated look but not a school marm look. try putting it in a ponytail wrap. like when you put your hair in a ponytial leave a peice of your hair out at the bottom of your ponytail and then with the extra peice wrap it around your ponytail where the hair tie is and then when there isnt any more hair to wrap tuck it into your holder and best as possible or cliap it under your ponytail so its not visible.or try half up half down. or try curls.or put it ont an uspide down ponytail. like out your hair into a ponytail then loosen it a little bit.then it should hang just a bit.then make a hole with your fingers in the loose area and pull your ponytail up then down thru the hole.uh for other hair ideas just look up hair styles on google images.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
As long as it's neat (up is a great thing to do with it for interviews), it shouldn't matter a whit how long it is. If it's neat, you'll look professional.
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
um a power bob always makes you look more peofessional. but long hair is so great! you can do like a thousand haurstyles with it. for an intervewil try a twisted bun
Is long hair bad for the office/interviewing for a job?
The employer looks at the entire package. It also matters what type position you are applying for. If long hair can be a hazard in the job, pin it up out of the way. If glamour is more important then play up that aspect. Dress for the job you want. that includes your makeup and hair.
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