Friday, April 20, 2012

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Ive had long hair for a long time. Im tempted to cut it. Will I feel bad? I love God and believe in keeping it long. But Im tired of my hair this long.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Yes a woman's hair is her glory according to the Bible. The way a woman looks after her hair speaks much of her character. Women should look different than men and men than women.

1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him, 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? For her hair is given to her for a covering. 16 But if one is inclined to be contentious, we have no other practice, nor have the churches of God.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

I'm going to make a wild guess and say God has better things to concern himself with than the length of your hair. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

i wouldn't if i were u ............ but it's ur head after all

Is long hair glory to the woman?

what does God have to do with your long hair? cut it! nobody said it's immoral. sheesh!

Is long hair glory to the woman?

While I don't personaly belive in God anymore, I had that same demlia when I was a young girl. I was raised in a very old fashioned christian home, and I asked my grandmother about the matter. This is what she told me.

"God will love you no matter what your apperence. He doesnt care if you shave your head as long as you belive in him"

I hope that helps

Is long hair glory to the woman?

no, long hair is the finger to the barber.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

This is why religion angers me so much. Why feel discomfort because you think it will show your love to God? Hair length is so trivial. Religion should not have this sort of control on people. Honestly, if you want to, cut it. How can that be a sin??

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Well, it depends, I mean God lets you have a choice to leave it long or to cut it short. In Asia, leaving your hair long is a tradition.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

My grand mother never did cut her hair! I am going to let mine grow back out I got so sick of it being short! Yes long hair is meant to be glory to a woman-a covering for her head!

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Typical goddess have long hair.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

haha not really..

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Then if you are cut is God would wants you to have a wouderful life

Is long hair glory to the woman?

No ...I don't think so... need to glory God with all that you have...if God ....gave you a beautifull hair....than is a glory....but if God doesn't gave you that beutifull long also Ok..

I don't think cuting your hair will be a problem...if you'll belive in God...and love Him.

God loves all the womans and all the people even if they have or not a long hair ;)

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Don't do it you already know it is womens glory

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Long hair on a woman is her glory. Meaning it is her beauty. Most men like long hair on a woman when it is combed and nicely kept. God loves you either way.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Wear your hair the way you want to! If any religion tells you what to do on matters such as these, it's false religion, and God really doesn't care what length your hair is, he cares about your heart, and the love that's in it.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

it is not good to have very long hair, it will cause tension , and strain to your neck, it is good to have longish hair, not to short, it is in the bible, if you beleave the bible ,. keep it long.a little past the shoulders

Is long hair glory to the woman?

Your "covering" is Christ, not your physical hair. Go back and read Corinthians. It's a metaphor. It says "a woman should be covered, because of the angels". In other words, because of the FALLEN angels, a woman should be covered at all times with Christ, spiritually speaking. As a man should also.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

some how i've missed the connection between god and hair lenght but i guess that's why god gave us self will.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

long hair has nothing to do with GOD. however it does have something to do with men. I personally prefer long hair on a girl, but there's no problem if you cut it and make it a little short; anyways i hope u will look great even when you cut your hair short, just like my Gf. GOOD LUCK.

Is long hair glory to the woman?


I dont know...

But I like long hair girl - long black smooth and shiny hair..


Is long hair glory to the woman?

Sister, Yes a woman long hair is HER COVERING, But I don't find one scripture that will condem you if you Cut it %26amp; trim it in a resonable manner, Now when I gave that scripture about a woman covering is her hair, we also have to Understand that there is some women that can not Grow long hair, does God condem them NO, %26amp; neither will he condem you, if you do it in a reasonable way, a woman should never cut her hair as short as a man, if she can grow long hair, but that too has it's limits, because some women that takes treatment for cancer lose all their hair, so therefore it is what reasonable amount That God instilled in you to know how much to take off. I myslef do not take a measuring tape to check women hair to see how long it is, my wife has hair almost down to her waist, %26amp; she cuts it reasonable %26amp; trims it resonable %26amp; I don't tell her how much to cut it.

Is long hair glory to the woman?

I don't know which is more disturbing, the fact that someone honestly (we assume) asked this question or all the whacked out answers that seem to support it...

Let me see if I understand this:

You believe that there is an all-powerful, omnipotent invisible being who created everything and controls everything.

You think that amongst all that is going on in the universe, the length of your hair is important to Him/Her/It.

But if He/She/It creates/controls everything, then that's where beauticians and scissors come from, so you should be free to use them.

Unless of course your contention is that beauticians are actually minions of Satan/whoever, and their purpose is to shear the righteous fleece from the faithful flock, forever damning them to the abyss.

If you feel like cutting your hair, go see a beautician and get it cut already and stop wringing your hands over it. There's enough real stuff in the world to be concerned about, don't waste your time on such trivial crap.

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