Monday, April 23, 2012

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

my hair is half way down my back long, brown, thick, and very straight naturally all the tiiiimeeeee.

i can not get a wave in it, to stay ever. trust me.

i was thinking of getting a perm tonight, but am worried it wont look goodddd. will it wreck my hair ( like a loooose perm) . will only the bottom perm and not the top since its long.


any thoughts.

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

Don't do it. If you have as straight of hair as you say you do, then it will probably turn out looking like crap. I have very straight hair, and it never took perms well when I was younger.

Long hair and perms?! help please.?


Long hair and perms?! help please.?

if you go to a good salon, it will look great!

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

i have had perms in the past, i found them too much hard work and they wrecked my hair

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

Hey. i say consult your hairdresser if you havent already. im sure you look just as good with the straight hair as you would with the permed. But maybe its time for you to go for a different style. if you get it done professionally there would be nothing for you to worry about. they know what they are doing :) good luck.

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

I would not just do the bottom, that would look weird. Try a perm with big curlers, so its just a little wavy. I think it would look awesome!

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

DO NOT get a perm NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! it ruined my hair my hair used to b beautiful and smooth now its so ugly and dry the only style i can wear it in is a pony tail dont ruin it now i regret ever doing it and now im miserable with my hair and always ask myself why i did that and why cant i have hair thats pretty like all the other girls. :(

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

perms ruin your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't try it,perms always look friend has one she looks like a poodle.maybe try some layers it will give it a little more volume.but a perm drys the hair out it will be a frizzy mess.try a new haircut or something........try if you ever want a new hairstyle.

good luck

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

wow please reconsider i got a perm in april and i had long brown thick healthy hair. the billy got it. he hacked away my hair into uneven layers and the perm itself does not look good when it starts to grown out. before u get a perm try buying some sponge curlers at the doller store and sleep in the mover night to get an idea.

Long hair and perms?! help please.?

I have hair that is now almost to the back of my knees... I have had two perms. One when I was 16 and my hair was probably mid-back... and one when I was 20 and my hair was to my rear end. Even when my hair was longer and I got the perm it still permed the top just fine.

Some women I know that have had perms with their long hair have complained that their hair broke off after getting a perm, but mine didn't. It did lighten my hair a little from the natural color and burned off small spots along the hairline from the chemical having too long of contact with my skin... Probably from where I was holding the towel over my face, and it had soaked some of the chemical, and I was holding it to my skin... They grew back, and weren't noticeable to anyone but me, but it's something to consider. I also got a chemical burn on my forehead near my hairline with my second perm. It looked awful! But again, it was from the chemical being on the towel that I was holding on my face to prevent the stuff from getting on my face or in my eyes. Probably could be prevented.

If you get one I recommend a tight one... Because I got a tight one the first time, and a little looser one the second time, and I think it would hold longer and better if it were tighter. I haven't had another perm, though, since I was 20 and I am now 24 and the hair that was permed is still pretty wavy... I still gel my hair with a curl enhancing gel and the permed hair curls up nicely after all this time.

If your hair is pretty healthy I doubt it will break off or wreck your hair. I personally think it looks great and you can do more with it curly. I put my hair up most of the time, so having that curl really helps. If I trusted the person doing it, I would probably get another one... Probably will eventually. The price is going to be outrageous for me though, haha.

Sorry for the long answer... But hope it helps.

**Also, a professional permed my hair both times... A lady I knew. She gave me good hair products (like bio or paul mitchel) to keep my hair from getting dry... So, make sure you get really good shampoo and conditioner if you get one.

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