Monday, April 23, 2012

Long hair but don't know what to do??

I have long blonde hair and I want to wear it out to school but I've worn it in a pony tail for 3 years and I have a lot of asian friends who have long silky straight hair and I'm afraid mine will just look stuid and frizzy.

The front is still quite long because i have to be able to tie it up for sport but I'm sick of it being so plain and want maybe some ideas for wearing it out and having it look good at the long front bits not looking too daggy or getting in the way.

Any ideas welcome :)

(easy solutions please i don't have much time in the mornings)

See below link for pictures ( sorry about all the black but i want to remain anonymous)

Long hair but don't know what to do??

I think your hair is gorgeous! Wear it down, forget what that girl said about your hair being ugly, that was downright rude.

*shoots evil glare*

I envy you. I really want my hair to be as long as yours. Mine is below my collarbone about four inches or more and I really want it to grow down to my waist.

Try braiding it and curling it like some people suggested. Long hair in braids is really nice in my opinion. ^^

Long hair but don't know what to do??

have you tried braids? 閳?French braids are very pretty and easy to do...and the pony tail done at the base of the neck and tucked inside... see photos below...

Long hair but don't know what to do??

thats the most discusting hair (great color though!) ive ever seen. it just looks... dirty and ragged.

cut about 10 inches off of it, (or to shoulder legnth) get long layers, then flat iron to style.

Long hair but don't know what to do??

I bought a hair hoop, and it's handy! And they are all fashion, too, and come in different sizes and colours. You can try wearing them. Or a head band.

Long hair but don't know what to do??

curl it, put it pony tails,half up half down, braided ponytail, braided pig tails,down but with small braids everywhere,french braided pony tail,french braided pigtails, a bun, half down with a bun, and much more

Long hair but don't know what to do??

If your willing to get a cut you can try a face frame with some long bangs or no bangs. Your hair will feel lighter and have more movement in it when you add layers.

Long hair but don't know what to do??

I would get light layers (your mom could easily do this. its free) or try curling it in the evenings and then wrap it in a bun to sleep in. It locks in the curl, without overloading on products and doesn't tangle when you sleep. I see your hair has a little bit of a wave already, so if you want curls, it should come easier to you than someone with stick straight hair.

Long hair but don't know what to do??

hm...theres lots you can do

putting it in a high messy bun looks cute adding one of those skinny head bands would look even better.

Long hair but don't know what to do??

I would suggest cutting some off if you don't have time to go through straightening and styling it, but not too much. You could wear it up in a high ponytail, but with a side part and pull some hair into the ponytail on the sides, do a messy bun for the ponytail, and then put a headband on.

Long hair but don't know what to do??

I looked at the pictures. Your hair is awesome!!!!!!! Don't change it. You are so blessed to have thick long hair! I have Thin long hair.... I would kill to have it thick. Long hair is so rare these days... It really makes a person unique. Something I do is wear a bandana letting my hair spill down my back or over my shoulders. It's really cute. I get compliments all the time. And people are always interested in what color bandana I will wear next. Sometimes I wear headbands. If you do want a change though, how about side swept bangs? They look extra good with long hair. :-)

Long hair but don't know what to do??


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