Monday, April 23, 2012

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

This is with my hair cut short:

And this is with my hair long:

I love both at different times, but then I find some reason to hate one or the other. Long hair can get annoying because it takes a lot of work to manage. Short hair can get annoying when I want my hair out of my face (when it's windy). Also, short hair normally makes me look funny when I'm dressing up.

Here is a picture I am not so proud of (right after I got a haircut not too long ago at a wedding):


Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

I like it long. Plus long hair is always a plus for guys.

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

you look alot beter wid short hair .. coz it shows ur face more ... and brings out the bone struture of your cheekz b ... so i say stick wid short

x skittlez x

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

i kinda like the short hair

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

Id say go with the long fraims your face and adds to the structure of your face. Yes its annoying to manage but it is a great plus when it comes to men. Keep it long and if you dont like it just shorten it up a little bit.. :]

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

you look great either way! i do kinda favor the... dang i really cant they both have there good sides and bad sides! catch 22 my friend! damned if you do damned if you don't! haha but seriously you're pretty enough to have long or short hair...

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

Id say you look great with both lengths but if you really want a straight answer pick long as its the fashion for guys and girls.

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

U look gr8 in both .... but with long hair u look more beautiful ...

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

Well since your idea of short hair is not ridiculously short I would say either. But you do look much better with the longer hair.

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

def. the short hair. u look prettier with it and long hair is too plain.

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

definitely short

its so cute and looks a lot healthier

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

i'm thinking the long hair. the haircut is okay. but maybe you shouldn't part it at the center. and i think you should get side swept bang =]

Should my hair be long or short? (pics included)?

u look pretty in long hair

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