Friday, April 20, 2012

Growing hair long?

i have shoulder length hair and i really want longer hair. All my friends hair grows really fast and noticably longer but mine doesn't seem to be going any where and people keep asking me if i get it cut a lot which means it must be looking shorter! Any tips on how i can help my hair grow long?

Growing hair long?

hair growth, make your hair healthier and provide all the vital elements for fast growing, stronger, and beautiful hair.To Know more about your hair will help you.

Growing hair long?

Some people's hair can only grow to a certain length. Try extentions.

Growing hair long?

you can't change how fast your hair grows, but my old science teacher said when she moved to the south east the water here made her hair grow faster and her nails harder.. so move to the south east :D or just be patient, two of my friends have the same problem, their hair just doesn't grow its rather strange as mine grows really quick.

Growing hair long?

you cant really make your hairgrow faster..just keep it healthy and cut off spit ends..and dont cut it

Growing hair long?

If your hair is unhealthy i suggest cutting it cut one or two inches. when you cut your hair it does grow faster, but slows down after about 2 weeks.

I have been trying to grow my hair long for a while, but the thing that has worked the best for me was vitamins for pregnent women, i got mine from tesco for about 鎷? take them and i am pretty sure you will notice a difference.

Also tie your hair up everyday for two weeks and people will forget the length of your hair and then when you take it down eveyone will notice that it will be longer lol =P.

Growing hair long?

wash u hair a lot!!!!閳?br>Growing hair long?

Keeping your ends trimmed and keeping your hair healthy is the only way to promote growth. You can't force your hair to grow faster though.

Growing hair long?

keep it healthy is the most important, and keeping the dead %26amp;split ends off! if you dry it. or use any kind of hot iron. use a thermal protector... ( i use aveda spray in, and use it while my hair is still wet) and i have had the situation where i cut all my hair off and hated it, so i wanted it to grow back fast... so i took prenatal vitamins. they wont harm you because they are vitamins mostly used for the nutrients by pregnant women! and they make your nails grow fast too ;) good luck!

Growing hair long?

Have it trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of split ends and make it stronger. Use a good moisturising conditioner and try not to use straighteners or have your hair Dryer too hot. Some peoples hair follicles live longer than others so it's down to genetics as to how long your hair will get.

Growing hair long?

try eating more chicken. it has protein in it which is good for hair. i had the same problem about 3 months ago. i get my split ends cut, wash my hair once a week, and eat chicken almost everyday, and i can tell my hair has grown alot since then

Growing hair long?

go and ask your hair dresser?

Growing hair long?

have extention

Growing hair long?

dont where hats,and dont keep cutting it.

Growing hair long?

Just let it grow. Don't cut it until it gets pretty long and then trim it.

Growing hair long?

you can't change how fast or slow it grows

try to massage your scalp that's supposed to work

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