Friday, April 20, 2012

Best Hair style for long hair?

I have a long hair(not very stright also little curly) but is not very thick...I want to style my hair but cannot compromise on plz suggest me a hair style in which i can have long hair which adds volume also?

Best Hair style for long hair?

hi...your hair cut would totally depend on your body structure.if ur thin go in for a straight cut from down along with layers. if ur plump then go in for a deep v with layers. now tell ur hair dresser to cut ur hair with 45 degree angle and then blend it with 90 degrees and to finish with a 180 degree angle. in front go in for a razored layer cut and tell the hair dressre to blend it with the crown hair. by this method of angle cutting you would not loose hair, coz usually in step cut or layer cut most hair dressers cannot maintain the length of the hair.

Best Hair style for long hair?

Lots of long layering. It will give your hair great volume and accent your length. Gotta love long hair!

Best Hair style for long hair?

like Miley Cyrus

Best Hair style for long hair?

have ur hair curled and use hair body wax it will make ur hair look thick

Best Hair style for long hair?

you should try getting layers or get your hair flat-ironed or curl your hair into nice bouncy curls try doing it your self if not then try a hair salon during summer it's a good idea to wet your hair and have it down or into a long nice curly side pony tail these are good tips tell me if u like them if not i have many more

Best Hair style for long hair?

a normal is kool

Best Hair style for long hair?

Plait it

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