Monday, April 23, 2012

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right? That seems to be the common opinion of most women today. If they see a guy with a beard and a mane, it's ugly.

If women think that long hair and facial hair is gross, then why do so many tell me that these are some of my more attractive and distinguishable features? (Bearing in mind, I like to keep myself neatly groomed.)

This also falls into comfort-zone line of reasoning. If a man is comfortable, he is more likely to attract women who can sense the man's comfort, and feel comfortable themselves. I'm comfortable in my appearance, but no one else seems to pick up on it. :S

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

i know a hot girl , and she loves long hair and facial hair.Actually many girls like long hair .But remember the most important thing is that You like your hair,if you like yourself and feel comfortable with yourself, girls will like you as well

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

i guess it depends. when you describe it, yeah, sounds gross -- beard and a mane. but bo bice on idol was sexy so i guess it's ok, as long as your groomed -- keep it all trimmed, etc.! and yeah, confidence is sexy!

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

Comfort or confidence...if you are so comfortable with how you look you must not be confident otherwise you would not be asking this question. Maybe you should cut your hair and shave and see how that works for you with the ladies. It will always grow back if you don't like it. Go to a high-end salon - not the $7.00 haircut place! You might be surprised and feel more comfortable that way. Don't be afraid to step out of that comfort usually works out to be the best decision after you make the jump!

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

Wrong, at least in my opinion;) I find long hair and 2-3 days grown beard VERY attractive! A man, to me, as to be as natural as possible: hate suits and ties, love blue jeans and t-shirts; no special effects;)

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

Women are complex. We all have different likes and dislikes. I, personally, think that long hair on a guy is not hot. I also think that facial hair is only gross if it is not groomed. I would have to add, however, that I do not like to kiss someone who has a lot of hair by the lips, although having a 5 O'cllock shadow around that area actually HURTS! We girls are sensitive there as we are soft. Just a few thoughts from a lady.

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

My hair is below my shoulders, and I've worn a beard for most of twenty years, and a mustache for for over 30 years.

I wear them for my own reasons and my own satisfaction. If someone does not like them, I'll be glad to lift my kilt so they can kiss my butt.

FWIW, I've gotten plenty of compliments from women on my hair, and facial hair, especially when I have it trimmed into a Van Dyke.

Doc Hudson

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

Long hair on a man is ok in certain situations. If he has nice, fell, clean smelling long hair, then it's fine. If it's all greasy, nasty and stringy looking , then heck no!

As far as facial hair goes, my crush has a nicely groomed goatee and I think it's super sexy.

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

I like SKINHEADS with no facial hair

Long hair and facial hair is gross, right?

Well show us a pic of yourself and we'll rate you :-D

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