Monday, April 23, 2012

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

I've been growing my hair for the past 2 years it's at about chest length.

I've got a few choices of what to do with my wavy, long ,thick hair

1) Keep it long

2) Cut it and donate it to cancer patients

3) Style it somehow.

4) something you guys suggest

I feel that since I'm the only boy with long hair on my dad's side of the family. I can hardly fit in with the crowd. Also My dad teases me.

On the flip side the boys on my mom's side embrace long hair as all of them have long hair.

Ideas please? also what kind of hairstyles do you think i could pull off and make it look good for as long as I still got my hair.

A little funny yet disturbing story when my cousin's friend was saying his goodbye's he attempted to give me a kiss on the cheek. Yea... akward. That was accompanied with a "Its the hair, *my name*".

Thanks in advance guys.

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

Part of my initial attraction to my now husband was his long curly hair. He was 17. When it was shoulder-length, he'd fro it out, and it looked really sexy. It then got to be a pain to do all the time, so he'd just pony-tail it. There's really not a lot of ways to style long hair on guys without risking more males accidentally making out with you. :P

I was really reluctant to "let" him cut his hair, but now that he has, he's even sexier than before. He also gets more respect from people, especially cops and professionals. Before, they just assumed he was a long-haired hippie punk. If I were you, I'd donate the hair and get a more updated look. It'll also make you feel a million times better when you go swimming and when you're driving around with the windows down. You may even find yourself getting less headaches.

Plus, you DON'T want to be the old guy who refuses to give up his school days hairstyle.

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

2 or just cut it

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

I'm probably not a great guy to answer this question, but here goes. Donate it to the cancer kids... go with a buzz cut. ..... like me... comfort, style, and it's accepted anywhere they take mastercard or visa.

That's my vote.

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

wow your hair is longer than mine.

anyway, you should donate it, i had a friend who donated it too, but his hair was longer (like waist long)

um get a haircut, just after or before the ear i guess

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

How old are you?

Yeah, cut it. Donate it. Style the short hair you have left!

So, 2, 3, 4.

It's always a nice change to mix things up a bit. Especially if you've had long hair for 2 years now...

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

See "John from Cincinatti" on HBO to see some cute surfer (long hair) CUTS..leave styling to the gals unless it is in a long low ponytail. Clean is the best style for a guy.

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

my dad says sometimes that he will mop the floor with my hair but he is kidding. cut it as long so that you can pull it down just below your eye and then the sides shorter than the top and you can flip it and it looks cool thats whats in at my school and i have it then you will be in the middle sorta. like the girl before me said watch john from cincinatti on hbo.

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

well, in my opinion, since i've only ever seen one guy with hair that long, i don't think it looks that good. but i do think it looks good if it's about to your ears or maybe a little longer. but i think if you do cut it, definetely donate it!!! i think that is so cool to do that! good luck! oh yeah, and if you like your hair that way, ignore your dad. dad's just give their sons a hard time i think. they just do. and if you like it that way, it's fine and he can't really make you cut it can he? ;)

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

From a females prospective,

It shouldn't matter what everyone else thinks,

If you like it keep it, If you don't then cut it off.

If you keep it Neat and under control it shouldn't affect getting or keeping a job,

Now there are adults that take you more serious if it is short and clean cut,

but I think long hair if it is kept clean and Neat it looks real nice on guys. ( :

Got Advice for a guy w/ long hair?

I generally like guys with longer hair, but it has to be well kept. I would say if your ready to give up your long hair then do it. You should donate it I think that its awesome that you even though of doing so. Don't cut it all off though I think that styled slightly longer hair is really hot. Good luck!

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