Monday, April 23, 2012

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

which one is more popular now..? i have hair down to my elbows and i love it that way but my freinds are always telling me to get it cut shoulder length i was just asking which one do think is better long or short hair..?

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

Long-ish hair.

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

well i had the same problem and mi friends told me to get it cut and id id and now i luv it its sumthing new different

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

neither is really in style, but shorter hair seems much more favorable. but don't cut it all off just because your friends said so. you will regret it.

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

Long hair is definatley in!!! Ultra straight, or really wavy (not exactly curly) are really in right now. just look at all hte celebs. ur friends are just jealous that you got gorgeous hair!

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

Long Brunett or Black But LONG is the IN Dont let anyone tell u differnt

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

All my clients seem to be going shorter these days.

Just fyi :)

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

no way, i still think long hair is gorgeous! keep it! i got my hair cut longer than my shoulders, but not much.. and i miss my longer hair so much!

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

i like long hair cuz it looks more natural.

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

long hair but thats just my opinion

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

i have hair down to my shoulders and i like it. i think it looks "in style".

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

i love long hair i wish mine was that long but u could always go a lil shorter that wouldnt hurt bc it always grows back!!like maybe cut a couple inches at a time! o but also if you love it that way keep it that way bc then its ou not wat your friends want!!

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

if you love it you should keep it that length!i think long hair is gorgeous! maybe try some layers and some front bangs! there in right now!!

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

Long. And if you like it that way just tell them that you are happy with it long and you don't want to cut it.

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

well do you have the right shape of face for long hair. I would go with what u think is best not what your friends think unless you think the same think as your friends. After all it is your life.

I have long hair and I am going to cut it off and give it to locks of love. I am going to miss it!!

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

never let your friends tell you what hair style you should have. it's your hair, your choice! sometimes change is good though. it'll always grow back. just gradually cut it shorter and shorter. and stick with what you like best.

Long Hair or Short Hair.?

I had really long hair, my mom made me get it cut because if the knots. Before I got it cut I flipped it up to see what i would look like with short hair (sholder length) I LOVE IT!!!

I say "check" before u cut

Long Hair or Short Hair.?


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