Monday, April 23, 2012

My gf dosent like long hair?

my gf dosnet like long hair but im growing my hair long and shes throwing a fit i love her and dont wanna leave her so dont tell me to leave her but i want long black hair with blue streaks sooooooooo like screw the hair or grow it?? i really want long hair

My gf dosent like long hair?

hmmm maybe u guys can find a compromise? I doubt u wuld wnt to lose her tho over hair that in a year u mit not evn like anymor u no? Long hairs ok as long as it isnt straggly and not too long. gud idea wit the streaks tho sounds kewl

My gf dosent like long hair?

well, i dont blame her...

My gf dosent like long hair?

It sounds like you need to be on your own without a gf. This is a sign of whats to come if you were to be together like a power struggle. So get it out of your system and have long blue hair ,but she probably wont be around. Thats fine since you probably dont want her as a mom.

My gf dosent like long hair?

Its a dumb reason to break-up but then again I would break up with you too if you were going to mess up you hair like that. Personally, I prefer short hair on guys.

My gf dosent like long hair?

How long is long? If you mean just past the ears, its cool, and blue streaks are always fun.

But seriously, most girls dont like long hair on guys- simple as that. Its like, if she put on 30 pounds, would you still be attracted to her? probably not. she's just telling you, if you grow your hair long, she wont be attracted to you.

Why not compromise and just to the black with blue streaks?

My gf dosent like long hair?

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well thats her problem

My gf dosent like long hair?

if u like her u would cut ur hair

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